Sunday, March 22, 2020

Why is My Guitar Feeding Back A Guitar Feedback Guide

Why is My Guitar Feeding Back A Guitar Feedback Guide Megan L. Does your guitar make a shrieking noise when you sing and play? Do you want to harness its power for good? Here, guitar instructor Zachary A. explains the phenomena of guitar feedback and how it can be manipulated to enhance your music An Example of Feedback The first thing that comes to mind when I think of guitar feedback is Jerry Garcia, the guitarist for the Grateful Dead. Creating a paralyzing shriek, he manipulates guitar feedback  in a wizardly fashion, pushing the boundaries of the electric guitar and his amps. Below is an example of Garcia  playing around with feedback. When you  think of feedback, youll likely remember  sitting in a class assembly as the person at the podium conducts their  speech, a loud shriek comes over the auditorium. This screech, which is referred to as feedback, happens mainly due to a sound loop that occurs between an audio input device (a guitar or microphone, for example) and an audio output device (an amp or speaker). What Causes Feedback? All thats needed for feedback to occur is the components of a basic public address system; a public address system consists of a microphone, amp, and speaker. Feedback happens when sound is amplified out of the speakers, then travels back through the microphone, and is amplified again, and then sent back through the speakers for a second time. This loop happens so fast that it creates its own frequency, which results in the infamous shrieking noise. Its one of the many guitar tones that you can produce. When musicians talk on the subject of feedback, the comments are mostly negative due to this howling sound thats produced in the middle of the song theyre trying to play. In addition to the dreaded sound loop, feedback occurs when the gain is too high in the output of an amplified instrument. As well as ways to minimize and control feedback, there are many ways to increase the chances that feedback occurs. One main point that needs to be reiterated is that feedback occurs in a system thats at a point of high gain and resonance. This can make it particularly challenging to control, but it can be accomplished. How to Prevent Guitar Feedback First, well discuss ways that you can reduce the chances of feedback happening. Then, well dive deeper into the ways of working magic with feedback. One major change you can make  to keep feedback down is by monitoring the amplified volume of your instrument in relation to the space that youre playing in. Another quick and painless way to reduce feedback is to change the position of your microphone and or speaker so that the speaker output isnt feeding directly into the microphone. Keep the speakers further forward, closer to the audience, then the microphones further back. Other ways to avoid the dreadful shriek are to use a directional microphone. Also, speak or sing close to the microphone; practically kissing the microphone. Also, turn off the microphone when its not in use, thus equalizing the signal and lowering the frequency. Another way is to lower the speaker output. There are devices you can purchase that can be connected in between the monitor and the amp in order to reduce the amount of audio frequency that occurs. How to Manipulate Guitar Feedback Feedback can be used as a very interesting tool for a musician, as we heard in the Jerry Garcia video. There are a few ways to increase your chances of feedback happening  so that you may utilize this technique. For example, use a higher gauge string they vibrate for a longer period of time  and require less feedback from the output to hold a note. Its just another way to transform your guitar sound. Another simple cosmetic change you can make to increase the amount of sustain and feedback your instrument produces is by making the guitar as rigid as possible. If you have a bolt-on neck, make sure the screws are tight or this will reduce the sustain of the strings. The old method to increase feedback was to connect a treble boost before the amplifier to overdrive it. Another cosmetic feedback enhancer that can be done is lowering the pickups to increase the distance between the pole pieces in the pickups and the strings. Although some people choose to raise the pickups to produce maximum drive to the amplifier, this will decrease the amount of feedback that may occur. Unfortunately, pole pieces are magnetic and close proximity to strings will dampen the vibrations. Now go out and create some scary horror movie sounds using feedback and get creative with it. You can use feedback to convey a vast range of sounds and emotions! Happy playing! Post Author:  Zachary A. Zachary A. is a guitar instructor in Katy, TX specializing in beginning and intermediate students. Zachary has been playing for more than four years. He is currently earning a bachelors  degree in  music theory. Learn more about Zachary here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Friday, March 6, 2020

Live Tutoring Sessions for Homework Assignment Help

Live Tutoring Sessions for Homework Assignment Help 0SHARESShare In today’s competitive world it is essential that students get the exact help they necessitate to complete their set homework correctly and on time. Students often face problems in handling their homework alone and as a result their grades suffer. At times it is not feasible for a classroom teacher to pay equal attention to every individual. As a result students are incapable to grasp important concepts properly. Online tutors not only pay one-on-one attention but also present the session in an interesting and innovative way. In such scenario, Tutor Pace a Texas based online tutoring website provide qualified and specially trained live tutors to offer online help for homework assignment at the most affordable rate. Parents may put aside all your worries now and depend on our expert online homework assignment. . Whatever may be the subject: history, physics, geography, English, mathematics etc. our tutors are ready to give you excellent help round the clock. Now you don’t have to rush to private tutors for homework help. The live tutoring session will help you to complete the set task within time from the comfort of your home. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Probability help for students can be found under TutorPace

Probability help for students can be found under TutorPace Time helps us to get drenched into new ways of applications that helps to lessen our work load. Today with the advent of various types of new applications and other various types of new things life has become far easier than before. Everything is available with just a click away. Internet has lessened the work load to a large level. It has helped in finding and receiving various types of information that helps in making our lives easier. Working people find it easy if they can access anything that has an internet connection. A good internet connection helps in providing you with variety of help. It saves time and energy. Now, with the help of that internet only things are becoming handier. Earlier internet meant that children were to view and get into something wrong. Parents were very much worried about internet connection and about how much will it hamper a child’s future. But keeping all allegations behind internet has now come up with something new that is helpful as well as will bring in betterment in a child’s future. Yes, you may feel this to be just a joke, but things are going in such a direction. Internet has now arrived in with tuition classes as well. Journey of online tutoring services Various institutes have come up that helps tuition classes to get conducted over internet. Internet has been working as wonders for the past few years. Every small and big help can be available through internet. This is a new way through which students can get help. The online tutoring service may be new, but it has gained lot of popularity within such a limited time period. People like the concept and has made an attempt to go for it and avail its various services. The concept is about providing you with the learning experiences in an easy way than any private tutor will provide you. Today every private tutor is very much professional and thus they do not provide good concentration on any subject neither on any student. They only concentrate on making money and nothing else.  Many students are very much suffering from such type of teachers as they do not teach with perfection. Online tutors have been serving their candidates with perfection. This has been helping new students in a lot more ways than it would have been in case of any private tutor. The service comes up with various types of facilities that help in making students get attracted towards it in a lot more ways. The features are very much helpful for any student who is weak in any subject. Yes, it is true that these online tutoring facilities have various types of services within it. Every subject is being taught, homework help is provided preparation for various entrance examinations are also conducted. This is never possible with any of the private tutoring facility. Its now time to list down some of the functions or say some of the features that help in knowing the concept even better than before. Noted features of online tutoring facility There are various features, but it’s important that one should know the basic and the most important feature that will help them to know the entire concept in a far better way.   The teachers that are present in the institute are very much efficient with the subject and can handle the subject with ease and perfection. The teachers are all appointed after a very tough interview process. This helps the institutes to come up with various types of good teachers who can teach the subject with perfection and utter dedication than any other private tutors.   The teachers have excellence in any particular subject that they are teaching and thus students can cope up with the subject in a lot more easy way than before. The best part of online tutoring is that the teachers first of all make a structured plan on any student noting down what are the areas a student is weak in and then plan a strategy to help the student cope up with it. a weak student can easily come up with its problems in front of the teacher. They can clear their doubts instantly and this helps them to move further with the subject.   The online tutoring facility is available all round the clock. It depends on the students can when and how they will attend and manage the class. The teachers are also present all time so that they can help the students whoever has arrived in with any kind of problem. The students also can avail the classes anytime they want.   Not only subjects, but different other educational help is also provided by these institutes. Different homework help, assignment completion, helping a student in his or her projects are also a part of services of these online tutoring institutes.   Every student is attended by every single teacher and thus it helps a student to come up with any kind of doubt that they have. The shy feeling of a weak student is not found with these classes as they do not have to feel embarrassed about their inability to know the subject well. They can deeply know and understand the subject with the help of online tutors. So these are various types of facility that online tutoring service can provide you. Now you may think for which institute to go for. I can help you with that as well. Tutorpace is one of the good and reputed service providers who can help you by providing you with different types of help that are mentioned below. Good teachers, fair teaching, no time limitation are the basic facilities that it provides. The charges that are charged for any kind of service is also very less and this helps in making the middle class family also to afford the tuition service with ease. Probability help for students is also a service that is much in demand by TutorPace.  

What is it Like to Attend Columbia University

What is it Like to Attend Columbia University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Julia is a New York City tutor and 2012 graduate of Columbia University. She majored in Ecology and Evolution Environmental Biology. Julia specializes inseveral subjects including Geometry tutoring, Statistics tutoring, and Organic Chemistry tutoring. Check out her review of Columbia: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Julia: Columbia is in New York City, of course, so public transportation is excellent. The 1 line on the subway will take you wherever you need to go in Manhattan, and theres a bus that stops at Columbia that goes directly to LaGuardia Airport. As for safety, New York City in general and the Columbia neighbourhood in particular are much safer than people think. Its not the 80s anymore. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Julia: Professors and TAs are generally very personable and available, unless your professor is someone really famous, like Jeffrey Sachs. Academic advisers are available by appointment, but arent terribly helpful. If you have a problem with your schedule or your credits or anything else academic, you need to take the initiative. Try to solve it yourself, and if you cant, then go to your adviser with specific demands that they can fulfill. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Julia: The rooms arent great until senior year, but honestly, who cares? Youre in New York City. People pay $1000/month to live in much worse housing than this, and if you dont like it, you can always strike out on your own and live off-campus. The housing for seniors is fantastic, though. The food is pretty bad at Columbia, but you can use your dining plan to eat at the Barnard cafeteria, which is better. All the same, Id advise that you get off the meal plan as soon as possible. I started cooking for myself my sophomore year, and the upshot is that Im a much better cook than most people my age. As for location and socialization that hardly needs saying. If you use your evenings well, youll make tons of friends both on and off campus. Im from New York and even so I can say I had my most thrilling urban adventures while at Columbia. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Julia: The biggest majors at Columbia are History, Economics, and Political Science, but youll find incredibly dedicated and intelligent people in every department. My major was Ecology, Evolution Environmental Biology, which I think is a hidden gem at Columbia. Everyone in the major does a thesis, which gets generous funding from the department. I had the opportunity to do my thesis research in Kenya. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Julia: Making friends at Columbia is easy if you want to make friends. You cant be shy or passive about it. If you dont reach out to people, you could float along in a bubble of solitude and no one will notice. But if you go out, talk to strangers, take part in campus activity, then youll have more friends than you know what to do with. I know I did. There is absolutely no need to take part in Greek life to make friends in fact, Id advise against it, given all the recent scandal with Columbia fraternities. They constitute less than 10% of the undergraduate body and have a poor reputation to boot. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Julia: Not very helpful. If you want an administration that will nurture you and guide you every step of the way, dont go to Columbia. There are millions of opportunities available to Columbia students, but you have to find them yourself. No one will show you the way. Thats not to say that there arent recruiters on campus, but the most aggressive ones are from Wall Street banks, and frankly I think theyre evil. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Julia: The libraries are numerous and architecturally beautiful. Be sure to branch out beyond Butler, our most famous and most used library, especially around finals time when it gets crowded. Im personally fond of the Teachers College library, which is great for group study sessions because youre allowed to talk, within reasonable volume limits. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Julia: I dont know what to say about New York City that people dont already know. Its constant excitement. If you want to do something completely new and mind-boggling every single day, you can (though youll exhaust yourself very quickly.) Columbia is in Morningside Heights, which compared to the rest of Manhattan is pretty low-key, though low-key for Manhattan is high-octane compared to anywhere else. One thing Ill say is that not enough Columbia students venture out of Morningside Heights. Theres plenty to do in the neighborhood, but to me it seems the pinnacle of laziness to forgo a short trip on the subway to enjoy the rest of the city. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Julia: Columbia is just about medium-sized in the scale of things: big enough that you can maintain your privacy, small enough that you dont get lost in a faceless crowd. The class sizes never bothered me. Obviously, something like Intro Chemistry is going to be a big lecture class, but all the core curriculum classes are small, as all the really important classes are. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Julia: Columbia is famous for its core curriculum, a suite of classes that everyone must take. Personally, I had a great time with the core curriculum and Ill never forget my Contemporary Civilization class. The professor was much like Socrates, the ancient philosopher about whom we read so much: he questioned everything the students argued. He let no belief go unfounded, no unconscious bias go unmasked. By the end of the class, I internalized him. I interrogate everything I hold dear, and anything that can survive that scrutiny I keep, and anything that doesnt hold up I discard. I think the core curriculum turns you into a very thoughtful person, if youre willing to open your mind and give up your pretensions. Check out Julias tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

The New York University College Experience

The New York University College Experience The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Adrianna is a Cincinnati tutor and 2013 graduate of New York University. She tutors several subjects, specializing in Elementary Math tutoring, French tutoring, and Reading tutoring. Check out what Adrianna had to say about her time at New York University: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. How urban or rural is the campus? Did you feel safe on campus? Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Adrianna: New York University is definitely an urban campus, as most of its buildings are in the heart of Manhattans Greenwich Village. That does not mean it is unsafe, however. Walking between the dorms, library, and dining halls at all hours of the night, I never felt unsafe. Just use common sense like you would in any situation, and you will have nothing to worry about. New York University does offer shuttle buses that run on a schedule throughout the day and night. You can also make use of the schools rental bikes, or the citys Citi Bike program. Walking, or taking the citys subway or buses, is also perfectly safe and sometimes more reliable! VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Adrianna:I never had any trouble getting in touch with professors or advisers when I needed to. In fact, some of them were more reliable about keeping meetings than I was! This varies from program to program, but I have definitely heard more positive than negative feedback about students getting the help they need. Remember: your professors and advisers want you to succeed! Take advantage of their office hours, and schedule meetings whenever you can to discuss how you are doing. I promise, it makes all the difference! You will be more engaged in your education, and if you do find yourself in a rough patch, professors and advisers will be much more understanding if they know you well and understand what you are going through! VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Adrianna:New York University is very different from more traditional colleges in a lot of ways, and dorms and dining are among the most stark differences. For starters, there are no communal bathrooms in any of the dorms. Most of them have a kitchen area. They are also the nicest apartments you are likely to ever have in New York City. This is a blessing and a curse definitely enjoy it while you can, but do not expect your first off-campus apartment to be as nice as your dorm, unless you are prepared to pay sky-high rent! There are plenty of opportunities to socialize with other students, but because the university is so large, you have to do some of the legwork. Meet people on your floor, in your hall council, in classes, in one of the hundreds of clubs and societies, or out on the lawn in Washington Square Park! But one of the best things you can do is to get out in the city and make friends outside of school! VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Adrianna:This is the main reason I chose New York University. I went to the Gallatin School of Individualized Study because that particular program allows you to design your own course of study. If you have an oddly-specific subject you want to study and cannot find a school that offers it as a major, come to Gallatin! It is also great for people who have an idea of the general area they are interested in, but not specifically enough to commit to any one major. Gallatins professors and advisers are some of the most interesting and intellectually engaging people I have ever met, and I really could not have been any more supported. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Adrianna:New York University does have some fraternities and sororities, but Greek life is not really a big player in campus life for the majority of students. People tend to come to New York University because they want to buck the trends, and Greek life does not really lend itself to that. But there are so many other opportunities to meet people and make friends that you will not even miss it. Some of my best friends to this day are people I met in my Freshman Residence Hall Council. And all the Resident Assistants in the dorms are very good at getting you involved in events and excursions into the city. It is New York City, so there is no shortage of people to meet. You just have to get out there and meet them! VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Adrianna:I did not take as much advantage of New York Universitys Wasserman Center for Career Development as I perhaps should have, but from what I understand, they are a fantastic resource! The Stern School of Business and Tisch School of the Arts are internationally renowned, and their alumni are in high demand all over the place. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Adrianna:That depends on whether or not it is exam time! For most of the semester, public study areas are plentiful and easily available. I spent many a night camped out in a corner of Bobst Library, leaving my computer and books unattended while roaming the stacks, popping down to the vending machines, or stepping outside for some fresh air. The dorms all have their own study lounges, as do most of the academic buildings and the campus Starbucks. But once again, it is New York. There are literally thousands of coffee houses, libraries, parks, and bookstores where you can study if your dorms study lounge is full! VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Adrianna:The five years I spent living in New York City were the best of my life. There is an embarrassment of cultural riches, and the opportunities for exploration and adventure are literally endless. When you live in the greatest city in the world, it is definitely hard to be bored! City living is not for everyone, though. It takes a certain kind of toughness to live there, especially after graduation, but if you have the right stuff, you will have the time of your life! VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Adrianna:The student body is huge, with something like 50,000 students in total. But with 1,300 or so faculty, it is easy to get small class sizes! Of course, some courses will inevitably be large lectures, but for the most part, classes are small. At the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, for example, the maximum class size is 16. The smallest class I had was four students. So you get a lot of individualized attention, and you really get to know your classmates. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Adrianna:The most memorable experience of my college career was traveling the world with my classmates and professors! Through the Gallatin School of Individualized Studys honors society and my own study abroad semester, I traveled to South Africa, England, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, and Morocco, all within two years! I reached through the bars of Nelson Mandelas cell on Robben Island, walked through a gas chamber at Auschwitz, and sat in a pew in the cathedral nestled inside the Grand Mosque in Crdoba. These life-changing experiences really helped me put my life in perspective, and they helped shape my academic concentration. Check out Adriannas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Why Students Should Care About STEM

Why Students Should Care About STEM You may balk at the idea of signing up for another math or science course beyond your schools core requirements, but enrolling in science, technology, engineering, or math classes even if you arent a STEM major can provide you with skills that are relevant to many types of employment. If your goal after graduation is to land a job in a competitive field, taking another lab course or an advanced calculus class can help bolster your math skills, boost your resume, and attract the attention of prospective employers. There are hundreds of reasons to care about STEM as you move through school and navigate the job market. Here are some of the top reasons students should care about STEM: 1. STEM courses help you master skills that are important and easily transferable to many types of jobs You may have learned to wield a micropipette in your biology lab, to titrate an acid in your chemistry lab, or to calculate the rate of flow of a substance in calculus. Though you may have thought you were learning these things just enough to ace the final, the truth is that the calculations, writing skills, and lab techniques you pick up in your STEM-based classes are invaluable in many professional fields. Whether youre applying to be a pharmaceutical researcher in a big lab or an actuary in an insurance company, mastering STEM skills during your high school or college years can make you an attractive candidate for your dream job and can help you build confidence in your skill set as you work toward your future career. 2. STEM fields have some of the fastest growing and highest paying jobs available With the explosion of the tech market, the growth of the pharmaceutical industry, and the ongoing need for healthcare professionals, the need for workers in STEM fields continues to rise. The expansion of the human population and constant innovation means that while these STEM careers are constantly shifting, they are also becoming more important. Some of the highest paying and most needed positions in todays society are available to STEM students; they become engineers, physicians, and computer programmers. 3. STEM subjects have practical application to your daily life Maybe becoming a rocket scientist or bridge builder isnt your aim. But even though you dont see your future in a STEM field, that doesnt mean STEM shouldnt matter to you. Being familiar with STEM concepts can help you manage your finances, figure out which detergent to use on a clothing stain, and tackle complex critical thinking problems required of nearly every profession. Remember that cooking is chemistry, that basic first aid requires an understanding of biology, and that setting up your new laptop necessitates some comprehension of computer operating systems. There are many benefits of STEM studies, and these skills are applicable for virtually everyone. 4. Our modern world depends on the innovation of STEM fields to keep moving forward The most world-changing progress in the last few decades has arisen from STEM fields. From the discovery of the polio vaccine to the invention of the microchip, no fields have rivaled that of STEM fields in defining how we live, work, and think. Taking part in STEM classes or working in a STEM field means being a part of human progress, globalization, and the world economy. Moving forward means embracing what STEM fields can teach.

Modal Music Working with the Dorian Scale

Modal Music Working with the Dorian Scale Suzy S. Modal music is interesting for several reasons: First, it gives us a glimpse into the past of the scale development, but also shows how basic harmonic construct has taken place and shape over the period of several centuries. The modal scale that I am going to use in this example is a Dorian scale. For those who are not familiar with modes, it is essentially a natural D minor that contains B instead of B flat, which changes the placement of whole and half steps (which indeed determines the character of any given scale). To get into the modal “mood,” first play the natural D minor scale several times, up and down. Now, play the same scale using B instead B flat. You will notice how the mood of the scale has changed and that the upper tetrachord has attained some brightness and optimism. You have to allow your ears to get used to this new tonal experience. Play the scale a few more times. If you need a little more guidance getting into the Dorian scale, there are great guides online for guitar, piano, and other instruments. Harmonizing the Scale Harmonizing the scale should be as straightforward as possible while avoiding the tritone F â€" B or its inversion. Here are several ways of harmonizing the tones of the scale using triads : D E F G A B C D Dm Em F G Am Em C Dm Dm Am Dm Em Am Em Am Dm Dm C F Em Am G C Dm Note: Chords other than triads can be used (for example, major and minor 7 th), however in order to properly understand the modal principle, the simple triads should be used at this stage. The chord B-D-F or any inversion of the same should be avoided because its presence could easily pull us into C major. The absence of tensions and resolutions found in major scales (I-IV-V-V) makes modal music softer and more abstract. The Dorian 6th (D-B) allows us to construct the very powerful two chord progression Dmâ€"G. Resolution should not follow into C because the progression Dm-G-C presents a “turnaround” or dominant cadence that confirms the key of C. Instead, it is better to aim for the minor key that will ensure the tonal ambiguity. Sometimes the tonal ambiguity can be preserved and enhanced by using only the root and the fifth instead the whole chord. Here we’re not bound by classical harmony rules, and some degree of experimentation is necessary to attain satisfactory results. However, care should be exercised in voice leading, especially in a four-part harmony layout: no unnecessary leaps and no intervals larger than octave. Tritone should be avoided for now, although it is possible to use it under certain circumstances and still retain the modal feel. The Treatment of Passing and Sustained Tones Passing tones (in relation to main chords) should create acceptable dissonances that can easily be resolved into the third or fifth of the next chord. Typical sustained tones such as sus2 and sus4 should be properly resolved into nearest consonance (usually on the way down). Lastly, remember that melody should be developed in a predetermined manner that ensures fluency and modal integrity. Peter B. teaches piano, violin, and music theory lessons in Stratford, CT. He specializes in teaching classical and jazz styles as well as advanced music theory. Peter has been teaching for over 20 years and he joined the TakeLessons team in August 2012. Learn more about Peter  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Nick Koutoulas

Using Passed and Past in English with Explanations and Examples

Using Passed and Past in English with Explanations and Examples Please, PASS the salt.It is common for native and nonnative English speakers to confuse these two words. It is also common for Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian speakers to misuse the verb pass.So, this blog is to clarify the difference between past and passed as well as to demonstrate where passed might be misused by English students.Common Mistakes With PassedFirst, lets look at examples common mistakes that English students may make with passed. 1. I passed a good time over Christmas. INCORRECT! I HAD a good time over Christmas. CORRECT! 2. I like passing time with my family. INCORRECT! I like SPENDING time with my family. CORRECT! 3. We passed for the park. INCORRECT! We went for a walk in the park. CORRECT!The difference between past and passed.PAST can be an adjective, noun, adverb, and preposition but it can NEVER be a verb. If you think you want to use it as a verb in the sentence (including the participle and continuous form) you really need to use pass, passing, or passed.PA ST refers to location and time.Examples:This country has a difficult past. -(noun) referring to an earlier time.My house is just past the school. -(preposition) referring to the a location.All past students have gotten very good jobs. -(adjective) describes the time of the students.She sped past the car on her way to the hospital. -(adverb) describes the way she sped.PASS/PASSED/PASSING-is a verb. It means to move forward.Examples:The students passed the exam. (they are moving forward to the next level)Time passes so quickly. (time is continuing)Please pass me the salt. (give me the salt)She has been passing by a lot lately, I think she likes you. (coming to your house or work or location.)There are times when these two words are more likely to be confused. Often in the past participle form they are confused, for example: I like keeping a journal to look at the stages of life that I have PASSED through. (This is the past participle of the verb. Pass through is also a phrasal verb.) The children passed the puppies without noticing them. (The children were walking and went by the puppies without noticing. PASSED is the verb in the sentence)Still have questions? Ask your teacher to help you understand or take a class with us!